Monday, November 12, 2012

Inexpensive ways to decorate and pretty-up your home!

I love my home and I spend a great deal of time in it.

As I spend much time at home, it is important to me to make it as comfortable and cosy as possible - esp since I am also super affected by my environment (certain things just drives me nuts until i get it fixed / tidied / straighten!).

Not much of a surprise, but I LOVE decorating.  What I don't love is spending too much on grossly overpriced things.  Over the past year or so, I found a few inexpensive yet fairly effective ways to decorate your home - simple touches around the house - not too fussy cos' it will be a pain to clean!  So here are some useful and inexpensive tips!:)

1.  Pretty photos / pictures from brochures!

okay, my wall ain't exactly the prettiest, but it makes me happy.    You would be amazed at how some brochures have the prettiest visuals.   The tree in a field of lavender was taken from a brochure from a skin care company 'Enavose'.

The quote (too small to see from the photo) reads "Love what you Do, Put your heart into it and you will be rewarded" - at the back page of Kiehl's brochure, and the trees from a calendar my mum gave me!   Practically no cost! heh. :)

2. Free printouts on blogs / internet

I love the blog 'Making It Lovely' - the lady is AMAZING at decorating her home.  Seriously, check her blog for yourself if you love as she puts it "living a stylish life and transforming the so-so."

There was this time where she shared with her readers a poster she created.  So nice right! So I printed it out ,  took an existing frame and hung it on my wall.

[caption id="attachment_305" align="alignnone" width="470"] free printable from the blog "Making It Lovely" and lovely is her blog indeed![/caption]

3. Postcards!

I went to Paris a few years ago, and THE BEST souvenir was not the usual handbags or clothes - but these postcards I got from a street florist (yes, they sold these lovelys!).  Okay, I take it back.  the 2nd best.  The best was a painting. :)

I LOVE the colors, the graphics, the quirkness - and it was less than 2 euros per postcard!  Each time I look at the postcard - it just makes me happy!  I placed them in some nice Ikea frames that cost about $10 each, and hung it in my vanity area and another on my sink.  Don't you love how the colors just brightens up the place?

[caption id="attachment_306" align="alignnone" width="470"] cute and funny!  The one on the left doesn't have a frame cos' I'm not decided if i want to hang it else it starts to look a bit cluttered, so just left it there for now.:)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_307" align="alignnone" width="470"] the graphics is so pretty aei! reminds me to slow down and pamper myself![/caption]

4. As little clutter as possible!

The next would be to reduce the clutter in your home (and in your life) - I subscribe to the notion  our surroundings affect us and that we are reflections of those surroundings.  I aim for tranquility and peace in my home - and by that extension, means reducing unnecessary things in my life - so that I can focus on the important.

5.  Use what you have - don't store!  Things are meant to be used.  

[caption id="attachment_309" align="alignnone" width="470"] stuff in my toilet! and that flower above? taken from a brochure![/caption]

The foot scrub was a gift, and I hardly use it (cos' I'm lazy) - but love the color, so I placed it in the toilet.  The scented incense smells wonderful, but the scent was lost when burnt - so I thought - hey - I can leave the wonderful scent in the unburnt form and leave it in the open!

Who says a toilet is to be functional only?   It can be functional AND pretty at the same time.  All you require is some small touches and you would be amazed at how your living environment becomes that bit better.:)

Anyway, if you have nice gifts that you can't bear to use - I say - take it out and use it cos' everyday is meant to be special.   that nice cup, that beautiful pen, that exquisite china, etc.   disclaimer - declutter your home first .  that way you can more fully appreciate the things you do have out on display.

6. A nice burst of color in something small.

okay - this is a little frivolous, but I couldn't resist buying it and this cheerful soap dispenser does give you that kick of color early in the morning.  Small but impactful and less than $15.   and pardon the dirty mirror. kee..


7. Move things around!

Another cheap yet fast way to pretty up your house?  Move things around!  Sometimes we get bored with seeing something in the same place - and you would be amazed that a simple shift of things - somehow makes the space slightly different and more interesting!

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