Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas is coming!!!

weeeee!!!  Christmas is coming, and gosh - I am exhausted already!  

been baking the past few days for family and friends, and boy-oh-boy - now I get reminded of how tiring mass baking is - washing, preparing, baking, cutting, packing and washing up yet again.  I can feel my muscles aching and crying for a massage. haven't felt so tired in a while!  ah...the 'perils' of getting older! 

every Christmas for the past 4 - 5 years, my family celebrates with a simple dinner get-together at my home.  It's a little sad that this is likely the last year I get to spend with my cousin and her kids as they will be migrating soon.  we are a small knit family and they are really the only relatives we are close to. I'm sure my cousin is excited at the move and at her new life and that her family will be really happy there.  

I am glad that I managed to create some memories for my 2 nieces while i could.  Every year, I ask them to be my elves and help decorate the Christmas tree.  Honestly, it's easier and less exasperating if I did it myself, but I wanted to create some activity so that they can look back when they are older and reminisce of the fun time they had (while their aunt tries very hard to keep her cool!).  but life goes on, and we have to just deal and handles the changes that come our way.  one day at a time...though I will certainly miss having them around.  At least there is another 11 months before they move - so gotta treasure the time.

Hope you are having fun in the lead up to Christmas and that you give yourself a well deserved gift!:) 

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