Monday, February 23, 2015

okay, i'm a lazy bum. not been writing for almost 2 years!  ah well. typical of me. i get super enthusiastic and after my burst of energy, it dwindles into.....nothingness!  once i stop doing something - it stops for years before I have any slightest interest again!

now i shall revive this again! at least, let's see how long my attention span can hold!

the main purpose of posting is a place for me to ramble and talk about all my 'aunty' stuff -

  • home stuff (home improvements, testing stuff, gadgets and stuff!), 
  • skincare (oooo...soooo many products I wish to try, but it's good I don't have a crazy budget else I think i will have too many unused bottles lying around - it helps to rein in my crazy enthusiasm), 
  • healthier living (i try lah)
  • simpler living (i LOVE decluttering and recycling, donating or throwing stuff i don't need. you know....this quote...

  •  gardening (want to grow more edible plants...but no more space along the corridor which has decent sunlight, and as of chilli plant looks really sad and wilting...and I dunno why!), 
  • sometimes baking (which i enjoy but thoroughly hate the washing cos' my hands get really dry and my eczema flares I don't do it as often. depending on my mood and also if the husband requests for his usual cookies), 
  • my two darrrrling cats, 
  • maybe books (i prefer non fiction and sometimes its hard to get your hands on a good book that speaks to you!) 
  • ....and anything that I fancy 'aunty' right. most of my friends are career peeps, and I highly doubt they have any interest in my housewife pursuits... so i don't bore my friends with stuff they have absolutely no interest in!

alright. this shall be a short post for what is to come...hopefully! hahaha...

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