Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Letting Go of Your Bananas.

[caption id="attachment_1726" align="aligncenter" width="547"]Letting Go fo Your Bananas Letting Go fo Your Bananas by Dr Daniel T. Drubin[/caption]

Picked this book from Popular bookstore - cos' of the catchy title.  flipped through it and the snippets I read was interesting enough, so at only $8.9 - sure, why not?  and i have to say - it's a fabulous book for the price!  (somehow, the 20% didn't apply despite the sticker!)

Essentially the book tells you to dump / get rid of the rotten 'bananas' in your life and become more successful.  for me - it translates to being happier.  Naturally one would be happier without rotten bananas in their life, and while it didn't contain any revealing principles or concepts, it provided many good (and probably required!) reminders, and a refreshing read.

here's the intro
"Everyone knows the fable of the monkey and the bananas – he couldn’t get his hand out of the jar because he was holding too many bananas, making his hand too bulky to remove from the narrow container.Life, contends Dr. Daniel T. Drubin, is like that story, in that too often people grab as many “bananas” as they can, without realizing that many of them, in fact, are holding them back. Now Dr. Drubin offers a quick 12-step program designed to help you see which bananas in your life are expendable, and how to drop them. Such tips include:- If you want to find gold, you’re going to have to lift some rocks.- Always work on your “dash” of life – the only time between birth and death that you have control over."

Snippets which i found worth noting!  Actually a lot more scattered throughout the book.
"Remember: It's okay to have bananas / barriers; it's just not okay to use them as the excuses that explain the condition of your life." [Key #4 Finding Your Bananas, p.40]

"Your past is supposed to be a place of reference, not a place of residence.  You can learn from the past, you just don't have to live there." [Key #5 - Win the Blame Game, p.45]

At only $8.9, i recommend the book.  Less than a meal if you eat out...and food for the brain is priceless aei?






  1. haha interesting! especially when i was looking to buy bananas just now. ;p

  2. hahah! oh ya! at least you were looking for GOOD bananas!:)
