Monday, January 28, 2013


yes floss - the thing you use between your teeth.

funny how it can even be interesting enought to warrant a blog post.  then again, i'm a geek. so....

all along I never knew there was any difference in flosses - after all, it's just a string/thread.  how different can they be right?  and the price difference? I assume it was all just marketing and  branding.

One day, i absently minded bought the Oral B floss (despite its horrendous $6 price tag - probably a moment of weakness) and boy oh boy! Was I super surprised!  The floss was smooth, glided well between my teeth, and I didn't get any 'floss cuts'!  Yup, I actually get floss cuts from wrapping the floss so tightly round my fingers as the usual dental floss that I use are hard to get between the teeth and i need more grip.

so here are some of the dental floss i have used, and Oral B's the best out of the three.  It's close to $6 each at Watson/Guardian, and I am sooo happy to have found a much cheaper source!  $6 for TWO - at the supermarket near my home.  heh.  now i can happily continue to use good floss!

[caption id="attachment_1643" align="aligncenter" width="547"]dental floss review dental floss that i tried![/caption]


Eco Dent Gentle Floss and Pearlie White are basically about the same.  Both were difficult to get in between the teeth and a few times, the floss got stuck and i got slightly worried cos' it was VERY difficult to get it out and I could feel tension on my teeth when it gets stuck - not a good thing for floss to be doing that.  I also got floss cuts on my fingers cos' it can be difficult to floss especially around the molars and I think i wrapped the floss to tightly around my fingers. heh.  I bought Eco Dent from iherb and Pearlie White from Guardian / Watsons.  sadly both don't work so great for me.

Oral B's the best! smooth, glides well between the teeth and I actually use less cos' I don't need so much thread to wrap around my finger for grip!

Ta-dA! review of dental floss.  yes - boring old geeky me. but hey! just in case you planning to buy some - now you know which is better!


  1. haha you're so cute! i didn't know about the "floss cut" part, gosh that sounds like the floss is quite "sharp"??

    i'm not very religious about flossing even though i know i should; usually only when food gets stuck and makes me feel uncomfortable between the teeth. i use Oral B satin tape (flat floss) and i really like it because it doesn't cut my gum when sometimes i accidentally press the floss too hard

  2. yaya! i saw the stain tape too! will try when the local supermarket near my place carries it! think they parallel import - so the floss was 50% cheaper loh! when I see $6 for floss, i really go 'what? for waxed thread?'

    ya loh! there was a time i kept wondering why i kept getting cuts on my fingers - then realized it was me wrapping it far too tightly around my fingers and tugging too hard! pretty funny actually. at least i found out why and stopped yanking so hard when i do use the lousy floss. kee!
