Friday, January 4, 2013

Super Cheap Window Cleaner!

So last night after midnight, brain still on a high from a late afternoon caffeine dose - I saw my toilet mirror splattered with stains...water marks from flickering hands, splash marks from toothpaste and some teeny tiny dots - probably spots from flossing.  hahaha...yes yes, pretty gross stuff.

I usually whip out my Magiclean window cleaner and do a quick wipe down (oh yes, I clean the mirror in the wee hours of the night - in fact that seems to be my favourite time to do it! weird I know, but it's simple, fast and therapeutic 'exercise' before sleeping!)

[caption id="attachment_1139" align="aligncenter" width="571"]Magiclean Window Cleaner - cleans well though it has a strong smell and I usually try to stop breathing while using it.  Best to use in a ventilation area. Magiclean Window Cleaner - cleans well though it has a strong smell and I usually try to stop breathing while using it. Best to use in a ventilation area.[/caption]

This time round, I decided to try a DIY solution which I saw on the web - a combination of just water + vinegar.   I mixed 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water and sprayed away!  It works almost as well, and doesn't have the chemically smell.   It doesn't smell good cos' it's vinegar, but at least I get to breathe while cleaning!

[caption id="attachment_1090" align="aligncenter" width="527"]1 part vinegar to 2 parts water! that's all!  and yes, the vinegar's expired loooonggg time ago - but I use it only for cleaning so figured it's still okay. 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water! that's all! and yes, the vinegar's expired a year and a half ago - but I use it only for cleaning so I'm still using it![/caption]

What i love about this new cleaning method?

  • Cheap - I bought the cheapest white vinegar there was since it's only for cleaning and not for food and cost less than $2.  Spray bottle's only $1 from the neighbourhood hardware store.  The Magiclean glass cleaner was probably about $2/$3.

  • Effective - It works about the same as the Magicleaner but my windows are not dirty dirty - just needs a simple wipe down to take away the water marks.

  • Better for health -  Since it contains only water + vinegar, I don't feel so paranoid and can breathe while cleaning!  Magiclean's ingredients are surfactant and solvent...and anything can go into that

What I don't love about it?

  • Smelly - well, cos' it is vinegar.   Then again, the Magicleaner  doesn't smell good too.   So I guess between smelly and no health effect VS smelly and possibly bad for health  - I'll stick to my new method of cleaning the mirrors!   But I'll definitely keep Magiclean's spray bottle!!

In a nutshell, while there is some savings - the main reason why I am switching is to make sure my body doesn't breathe in any nasty chemicals!

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