Sunday, September 30, 2012



ah bai - one of my 2 darling cats that make me happy every single day. kekee....couldn't help put a price tag on him - priceless!:)

Thursday, September 20, 2012


this post is to rant - so please bear with me cos' i am hoping that after I pen my thoughts - they can 'escape' somewhere and allow me to sleep better at night.

I am a pig and can sleep within 5 mins of hitting the pillow - but the past few weeks?  tossing, turning and feeling every single breeze of the fan (not in a good way!).  getting into zzz land has been a struggle.  and when i DO sleep - have loads of dreams. some ridiculous, but i can almost never remember them - only that they are ridiculous.

Consciously i think I am handling the situation okay.  But subconsciously, i probably am still bothered - and my body is telling me by refusing to let me have a restful sleep (and boy have I learnt to try to listen to my body over the years!).

About what you might ask?   well, i decided to close my brownie business after 3 years.  i started the business first in a community shared kitchen on a part-time basis to test how receptive the market was, and in recent months - had the opportunity to have the kitchen area to myself - so i took it.

Sadly, within a short span of 10 months - i decided to close the business. I was sub renting the kitchen space from the main tenant, and several times, he told us that the future of the place was in jeopardy.  I looked for alternatives during this period, but the though of shifting all my equipment / paying at least 3 times more rent / plus losing my deposits if i shifted out early before he confirmed giving up the place...well, i made a decision to stay put - it was probably just easier.

the funniest part is that much as i WAS struggling to stay at the current place (cos' mainly it had the cheapest rental) - i decided to give it up at the very moment the rental issue was solved (a new tenant took over the place, and she is seriously one of the nicest, most generous person i know).

you must be thinking i'm bonkers.   why give up when the solution is already in place??  many reason, but also very simple. i felt so drained after the six months of uncertainty - that my reservoir of energy was depleted and I no longer had the motivation/passion/interest.  In fact, at one point i wondered if the universe was telling me to leave that place.  also practically, i knew i had to bring the business to the next level to be sustainable, and that required more time / energy / money - all of which I couldn't or don't want to give more.

Much as it was difficult and many times very trying - I love the past few years.  It pushed me to try new stuff (esp talking to strangers! yikess!!!!), learning new skill sets, getting things done, etc etc. I don't regret leaving the corporate world to try this my hand at business and it surely helped me rediscover a zest for life and / trying new things and keeping my brain engaged!   if i didn't - i think i would remain pretty much like this picture below - zombified.

[caption id="attachment_187" align="alignnone" width="429"] that's how i felt about myself in the corporate world - lifeless - absolutely no zest for life, bored and just blah. not a good feeling. the salary was good though. others might complain it's little - but i felt overpaid cos' the things i had to do were not exactly difficult and i was not learning / improving myself - skill sets wise and all. in fact i thought i regressed....maybe cos' i was miserable.[/caption]

of course there are many things that i had to give up.   one of my greatest gripe is that I can't be as generous as I was to the people i love...which just plain sucks. i guess i can show my affection through other ways oh?;)

Anyhow, when i made the decision to close the business, my greatest obstacle was how to break the news to my husband who has been very supportive and helping  me along the way - i felt i let him down.  also, how do i tell my nice landlady?  my parents - i knew would be cool with whatever decision i make - but i do want them to be proud and not worry about me.

But after I shared the decision with my husband - a huge sigh of relief and I could  finally get down to wrapping things up.   Strangely i don't feel any sense of loss - more of a relief!

There are still things to tie up and settle and before it's done - I still worry.  though after it's done, I probably will find something else to worry - seriously bad habit which i am trying to cure.  do you have any tips?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Genius household tips that almost don't cost you anything!

gosh, I just came across this article online - and am amazed at how ingenious the ideas are!

If you are into eco friendly ideas, and cleaning in general - this might interest you!

I particularly like the one on how to store your wrapping papers, the temporary bed rail for kids and paint brush tips!  snap shot of the article below.  Here is the link!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

soap dispenser - you may wanna note if you are buying a metal pump one!

i was on the hunt for a soap dispenser for a couple of months.   before, i always thought it was strange why one would need a soap dispenser - after all, the soaps all come prepacked in the plastic pumps already - wasn't a soap pump unnecessary? i know better!  cos' very simply - soap pumps look prettier than the plastic ones!

I was trying to be eco-friendly and reduce the wastage by buying refills, and the plastic container just didn't look pretty.  Remember the quote by William Morris?

so it took me many months before i finally found a pretty yet decently priced one at SQ FT at Tampines Mall.  It met my requirement of being less than SGD 15!  Still I hesitated for a bit cos' it's  not exactly a necessity, then I thought 'hey! it's been on my mind for months, and now that it appeared before me - I should not do myself a diservice by ignoring it!'

so i bought this pretty little dispenser.:)

[caption id="attachment_161" align="alignnone" width="376"] pretty huh! i chose the red for the burst of color - just gives you that little bit of energy in the morning!:)[/caption]

it works really well and pumps very nicely, and the color is great!  Thing is...after I poured the soap in - there is a very strong metallic smell...which puts me off cos' i have a nose of a dog sometimes.


  • i LOVE everything about it!  good price, looks good, nice color.

  • BUT the soap reacts to the metal pump and smells bad.   I googled and couldn't find much information - the only one that mentioned the metallic smell said it seems like it's the fragrance in the hand soap that reacts with the metal.

if you have a SUPER nose, you may wanna take note.  but if you are not bothered by smells generally (my husband can't really detect any smell, but it's too strong for me!) - then a metal pump one would probably work fine for you.   If you have a super nose, then maybe better to get a plastic pump or if you are using organic soaps - i think should be okay metal or plastic (let me know please!)

so now  I can either buy a new dispenser that has plastic pump (not so keen) OR buy a soap that doesn't have fragrances and is probably better for our skin anyway. in the meanwhile, i went back to my plastic pump.  sad. i love the red pump and still leave it on my sink! next to the ugly plastic one. haaa....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Resources I Love

as you probably noticed, I changed the 'design' of my blog.

I wanted to share some of online resources I find useful - so that readers / visitors can easily see if it applies to them. As the previous template had some layout / color / font restrictions, i went to explore some of the other free themes.

but boy or boy - it made me feel so old during the process!!!  I encountered some layout issues, went to the theme and help and forum sections, and after 2 hours of reading/testing - finally figured it out!   And it made me think 'huh. am i getting slow?' and that made me worry a bit. To console myself - I'll just make myself believe that  instructions were not clear...ermm...right.'

Anyway, i subscribe to some online newsletters and I love opening the emails for the bite sized nuggets of info. It is a useful reminder for me to be more aware of my surroundings and to appreciate the simple things in life.

and no - not any paid advert.  I'm sharing cos' I enjoy reading it and if you think it's something you would find beneficial, then good for you!  Here are some snapshots of the emails they send.   I will slowly start adding more links on the right hand column, so it would be easy for you to quickly see what might interest you.  Of course, as with all information - please filter and see what works for you!

[caption id="attachment_145" align="alignnone" width="470"] Daily Burst of Energy[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_146" align="alignnone" width="444"] High Energy for Life[/caption]

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Food Allergies!

shoot me please.

i spent more than an hour preparing for a new post and in my rush to meet a friend, did the silliest thing - I shut down my PC without saving my work!!  you know those days when you wanna smack yourself real hard?  yeah...i'm having it right now.  never mind, this 'new' post will be better than what i drafted yes?  argh.

anyway, today I'm going to share with you an embarrassing allergic reaction that happened to me years ago when I just started university life.

Although Singapore is just a dot, barely discernible on the world map - the commute to school was very long - 1.5 hours per way cos' home and school were at the extreme ends of our little island.  So I decided to stay in the school hostel - to cut down on travelling, and to experience what hall life was all about.

[caption id="attachment_104" align="alignnone" width="600"] stayed at a hall similar to this for a long year. campus was not so accessible then, so being the lazy bum - stayed in campus most of the 5 days and I felt so cooped! and probably also cos' home is still the best!   I remember my dad used to drive me back to school every Sunday and I sooo dreaded the trip!  Still, I had to count my blessings that i had a wonderful room-mate and it was still an interesting experience.  after the first year - I decided to take the 3 hour commute (2 ways) to school and crazily - enjoyed it!  cos' i get to see people and get to 'move' around![/caption]

with hall life - it revealed how utterly lazy  i was in settling meals.  hall food looked really blah and unappetizing and it doesn't help that I'm a picky eater.  So I thought 'okay lah - since hall food looks so yucky - I shall eat sandwiches.  besides Goober Jam and Nutella are easy to prepare and...FABULOUSLY YUMMY!!'.

at that time, I didn't realize how important diet is to our bodies do I happily ate my Goober Jam and Nutella breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner!!!  I kid you not - I'm mad that way.

[caption id="attachment_92" align="alignnone" width="300"] i used to LOVE goober jam! the lovely swirls of nutty peanut butter, mixed with sweet wonder i was so addicted to it before.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_95" align="alignnone" width="250"] okay - i used to LOVE nutella (though Goober was my ultimate favourite!!), but in recent years, I started appreciated good dark chocolate made with cocoa butter (instead of all the hydrogenated oils and all) - and realized actually nutella is not as tasty anymore. too sweet for me now![/caption]

So happily I indulged in my peanut butter / hazelnut craze...and many weeks/months later - I started noticing a pus ridden gigantic pimple (~8mm!!) on my right knee cap - much as it appeared on a really strange location, I didn't think much of it and it eventually went away. but when a 2nd pus ridden pimple developed on almost the same place on my other knee cap - i paid a little more attention, but didn't know what caused it.  That went away eventually too..

Then....the pimples came back with a vengeance !  this's the embarrassing part.....~20 to 40 pimples started appearing on my butt (over a period of time)!  It may sound like a joke, but I can assure you that I am absolutely telling you the truth.  All pus filled, smaller than the two humongous ones on my knee cap, but as it was pus ridden, it hurt - badly.

It was again - many months of trial and error (and the whole time believing it was due to the environment possibly being dirty - cos' my earlier allergy was due to dirt).   I even went for a skin patch test at National Skin Centre but still couldn't find out the cause!

[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="281"] I had something like that on my back - it didn't show any reaction when I went for my follow-up visit, and guess what - a couple of days later - there was some brown patch on some of the dots!  didn't think about it cos' it was such a 'delayed' reaction and also thought my allergy was more external driven than food related cos' my earlier eczema as due to dirt.[/caption]

then one day - i noticed the pimples seem to be better and healing....then 'Eureka'!  I hadn't had my goober jam or anything peanut butter related recently then and I decided to stop it for a while, and lo and behold! gosh! it started clearing!  i had very bad scarring on my butt and it took a good 3 - 4 years to completely clear.  Till this day - I thank the universe that the pimples decided to attack my butt instead of my face.

so.....what caused the pimples?  Even though I occasionally eat peanuts and nuts with no adverse reaction - never had I tortured my poor body with peanut butter sooo many times a day and for such a continuous extended period.  the 'toxins' probably built up and the body had to somehow tell me that it ain't loving what I was putting into my body.   it probably appeared on the butt cos of sebaceous glands / sweat ducts (yes, we do have sweat ducts on our butt!) which was exacerbated cos' it was constantly covered by jeans.

morale of the story?

everyone has a different trigger to allergies, so even though it is sometimes (usually!) painfully slow to find out what is causing you allergies / reaction - here are some usual and possible general triggers that i'm aware of .

1. Environment

  • Dirt is  the usual suspect.  Try to keep your area dust / dirt free - plus point - a clean living area just enhances your life:) if you have feet related allergies - try slippers and see if it works for you.

  • If you ever experience 'tingly sensations' -  you could be sensitive to wireless equipment...which includes our mobile phone!  (I get painful tingly sensations when using certain phone models - once i knew the phone was going to ring before it even did - cos' i felt a rush of pain in my arms!  before I figured this out - friends did ask me to consider seeing a doctor to see if i had nerve problems!).  change to wired keyboards or mouse where possible.   avoid typing on a laptop keyboard if you are hyper sensitive too.

2. Food

  • food allergies are common.   If your allergies are serious - please go do a skin test at your hospital / skin centre for a test.  my  niece had super red raw skin when she was a few months old and turns out that she allergies to breast milk and quite a bit of other 'common' or supposedly 'safe/good' food like soy and fish!  sometimes certain food you had no previous reaction to could suddenly be a trigger.

  • a friend is gluten intolerant and she has had stomach discomfort for the longest time and she managed to find her trigger through probably a eureka moment too!

3. Cosmetics / Lotions / Makeup

  • if you have breakouts on the face - it could be the lotions / makeup that you are using (or food or environment!).  I recently had breakouts on my nose and i was so upset cos' before the scarring healed, a new pimple popped!   I suspect it's the powder I use!  It's supposedly has 'nano' sized particles (hence more smooth coverage) ...but maybe it was so small that it went into the pores and clogged it!  so i threw the powder away...and it seems under control now.  but still works in progress!

  • dad used to have red patch on his cheek and it turned out it was the oil on the scalp that trickled down and cause the redness!   surprising huh!  he went to the dermatologist at the skin centre who helped him identify the problem.

  • sometimes could be the body soap that dries your skin (and causing itch) OR the detergent that we use and somehow remains on our bodies.

4. Stress 

  • my reaction to stress is usually a loss of appetite but a couple of my friends get breakouts or fall sick very frequently.   do activities that you love (exercise, bringing your darling pets to the beach, yoga, etc) and try to see what you can to lower stress (i know it's easier said than done!)

probably a zillion more reasons, but it's a start to try to identify your triggers!  good luck! i know how disruptive allergies can be!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Cleaning Your iMAC Keyboard

I love my iMac keyboard - the white clean streamline look, the soothing 'clicking' sound while you are typing away and also the ease and comfort with its 'flat-ness'... if you know what i mean.
The only thing is that it gets dirty really easily.  I contemplated buying a keyboard guard, but at the ridiculous price of SGD 40+ for that thin piece of plastic - no thank you. Plus, i'm not sure whether it affects the typing feel.  So naturally after a couple of months - my keyboard got greyer and greyer  - not the lovely pristine white as before.  and the grime was super distracting (for me!).

[caption id="attachment_79" align="alignnone" width="870"] can you see the specks of grey?[/caption]

Figured that since the marks on the keyboard were probably due to the oils from our fingers - I thought maybe the kitchen cleaner might just do the trick....and it did!  Check out the before and after photos below!  and now - my keyboard looks as good as new!   plus - it's darn easy to wipe of the grease!  didn't even have to use any force.  I just lightly wiped it across the keyboard!

[caption id="attachment_80" align="alignnone" width="313"] Magic Clean to the rescue! It's formulated to target grime, which was what was making my keyboard dirty.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_81" align="alignnone" width="870"] check out the key 'J' - top left was wiped a little - see how clean it compares to the rest of the key! and see the dirt marks on the number '7'![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_82" align="alignnone" width="870"] ta-da! all nice and clean now!:)[/caption]

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Body Soap!

a couple of months ago, i had a persistent albeit mild itch on my arms, and though i had an allergy to something I've eaten (I have an averse reaction to peanuts....more on that in future!), and my mum asked if it was the detergent I was using. I figured it can't be cos' I've always used the same detergent (though allergies do sometimes react to something you commonly used. probably the chemicals build up to a point where your skin starts reacting - so you may still want to consider that) and also, I use very little detergent in my washing.

However, it made me consider that the liquid body soap I use might be a possible culprit - so I resumed using the Ergo QV liquid soap which is supposed to be very gentle to the skin and the itch really started to ease!  But at $30 for 1 litre (more than 3 times the usual price of a normal liquid soap for the same amount!) - i was certainly not loving the price!  Also it contains  SLS and parabens (bad bad BAD for us - but it's so commonly used in many of the products we use daily - so while I can't eliminate them, i try to reduce them as far as possible), so i started seeing what could be a longer term sustainable solution to preventing the itch!

[caption id="attachment_62" align="alignnone" width="340"] a body wash that is indeed gentle but pretty expensive.[/caption]

i stumbled upon my stash of L'Occitane bar soaps I had stashed for YEARS!  5 years to be exact - cos' they came in the hotel we stayed in for our wedding!  so i started using it, and yes! it works just as well - still no itch, and psychologically i felt better cos' the ingredients didn't contain all those weird chemicals. and also, another important point - it lasts pretty long!

Over the past couple of months - i tried quite a number of soaps and here's a rundown!


didn't pay for this but think it's less than $10 per 100g bar.

[caption id="attachment_64" align="alignnone" width="225"] gentle bar soap[/caption]


  • gentle mild soap


  • slightly waxy after feel which i didn't quite like

  • didn't manage to scrub me as clean as I like at the armpits! (i suppose I could use a hand scrubby thingy - but i'm lazy).

Dr Bronner's Organic Soap (I used the Citrus Orange Bar Soap)

$7+ per 140g bar (bought at NTUC Finest Marine Parade - organic section near the escalator)

[caption id="attachment_65" align="alignnone" width="274"] I LOVE the smells - even better when I know they are natural oils![/caption]


  • made from organic oils

  • smells darn good

  • lathers well


  • somehow the soap seems to run down quite fast.  or maybe i love it sooo much that i happily used it so often.

Mount Sapola  (I have only used the Lemon Gingergrass)

$8.20 per 120g bar

[caption id="attachment_67" align="alignnone" width="609"] my stash of Mount Sapola bar soaps which i bought from Bangkok! this is only half of what I actually have! sufficient to last me a good year I think![/caption]


  • smells great

  • natural ingredients

  • scrubs really well!


  • a tad expensive ($8.20 per 120g bar)


My favourites are Dr Bronner's and Mount Sapola.

I would love to try more of Dr Bronner's soap, but managed to get Mount Sapola's soap cheaper in my recent holiday to Bangkok - and after conversion it's about $5 per bar - so now i have no worries for a good year!

Also, I like the 'scrubbing' effect that the ginger has in the bar soap - makes me pits smell good. :)

So if you do have sensitive / dry skins - you can try soaps that do not contain the normal chemicals and see how your skin reacts (I'm pretty sure it will turn out all the better). I'm sure there are good liquid soaps (you could try Su Kin - a huge bottle at $30 and sans nasty chemicals).  The reason why i use bar soaps? cos' economically it's more value for money - cos' liquids generally are more expensive and run down pretty fast.  The bar soaps generally lasts me 1 - 1.5 months.

I heard that Lush body soaps are pretty good too - made from natural ingredients as well.  I would try it if it's convenient, but meanwhile, I will happily soap up with my bar soap.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Skin! Ecezma.

Did you know that our skin is the largest organ in our body?

I have to admit that I am one lucky gal - I have been blessed with good (face) skin for most of my life - but i also have my fair share of skin problems (mostly on the rest of the body!).

I know how terrible it is to have skin problems cos' it is downright uncomfortable or even painful!  So I'm going to share my skin issues with you - and if you have something similar - I hope you are able to figure out a solution - just as i have figured out mine!    Today's topic?  Eczema!


When I was young - I suffered from pretty bad eczema on my feet. It was dry and cracked so bad that my skin spilt apart and started to bleed - serious. no kidding. I resorted to walking only on my heels when my toes and upper half of my feet were bleeding - and then heels started cracking and bleeding too.  It was a miserable and painful and I really didn't know what to do.  My mum bought me to the doctor, and they prescribe some medicated cream, but it didn't help much (not that i recalled) and something as simple as walking that most people can take for granted - hurt alot for me. 

[caption id="attachment_45" align="alignnone" width="598"] okay, i figured, a photo of a pretty feet is wayyyy better than one that is cracking/peeling and bleeding huh?[/caption]

Doctors do what they can to help diagnose your problem, but from experience I realise it is also up to ourselves to figure out what our triggers are and what works. most of the time - it is after much head scratching and trying out different methods that I found what was causing me pain, and from there - find some solutions.  
So if you are suffering from eczema, your triggers may not be the same as mine, but I hope in sharing - you might be able to start figuring out what is causing your pain.  


Essentially - my skin is sensitive to dirt.  and I didn't know I was subjecting my poor feet to loads of stress by walking barefooted in the house.  and when it couldn't take the stress from the dirt - it retaliated in the only way it knew how to - mild peeling at first, and then cracking and then bleeding...  


so what helped?   


1. Wearing Slippers. 

[caption id="attachment_46" align="alignnone" width="300"] yup, i wore these plain unassuming plastic slippers and they saved me from much pain![/caption]


Ha! so simple right!  But boy oh boy - i dunno why - but I only wore slippers after years of suffering.  Probably only when it hurt sooo much and became pretty unbearable that I somehow started wearing slippers - my skin improved and bleed less.  but they still bleed cos it was dry! so i started....


2. Moisturising my feet. 


another really simple and straight forward solution.  I used normal off-the-shelf moisturisers (hey! i was only 10+ so i just used whatever was in the house), and they helped alleviate the dryness - but still my feet were still awfully dry and a huge mess.  I was embarrassed if anyone ever had to see my feet cos' they were just in terrible form from all the cracking and skin peeling and bleeding. 


Then I found the PERFECT moisturiser!  okay - it was my mum :)  She (or we....i can't rem) was on holiday and bought Body Shop's HEMP FOOT PROTECTOR!    Initially when she bought the moisturiser - i was skeptical whether it would work cos' the cream is so liquidly!  I still remember thinking 'huh. so liquid ah.  absorb so fast - sure or not.  maybe like the other mositurizers - sure don't work one' (they changed the formulae over the years and it's thicker consistency now).  

and lo and behold - to my utter amazement, my skin on my feet improved TREMENDOUSLY within the week!  after daily usage and in a couple of months - my feet was transformed from a cracking, peeling, bleeding mess - to a normal looking feet.  it worked like a MIRACLE!  I'm not kidding nor exaggerating - the transformation was huge.  and for someone to have 'normal' feet after years of suffering is such an unbelievable relief!  I think by allowing the skin to retain its mositure - it helped in the healing of poor feet.  


so here it is - the first of my SUPER LOVE. I have been using it for 10 years already and I haven't not stopped - simply cos' it works for me.  It's not available in Singapore where I live - cos' it contains cannabis or something - so i get my stash from relatives who visit Australia. or well there is always online shopping!


[caption id="attachment_47" align="alignnone" width="870"] Body Shop Hemp Foot Protector! if you suffer from very dry skin - this is a miracle!  for being such a amazing product in my life - it deserves a HUGE photo space! yay!![/caption]


My Love

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="487"] My Love and her swishy tail in action! She makes me so happy.[/caption]

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How To Get Rid Of That Sticky Residue After You Peel Off The Price Tag Off A Book.

Okay, if you have as itchy fingers like me and can't help peeling off the price tag off a book - and are left with a mess of sticky residue and remnants of label left on the book - fret not!  It may seem impossible to get it off (cos' I tried to rub and rub and rub with a wet paper towel to no avail!).

The remnants are no big deal to most sane and normal people - but if you are as anal as me - those sticky remains are reaalllly distracting.  Plus it's a magnet in attracting grime and dirt and fur (if you have cats like me).  So here's a really simple yet effective solution I found on the internet! (boy I sure LOVE the internet for the hordes of information!).

  1. if you have baby powder - dust it over the label. (if you don't - it's okay to skip this step.  the powder i find is just to 'dry' the top layer and make it less sticky to work with)

  2. dust off the excess powder.

  3. use an ....ERASER!!  oh gosh! how simple right!!

  4. rub and rub and rub away!

  5. sticky residue GONE!!

  6. smile! cos' now your world is just that little bit better.:)

This applies if you are working on a paper base surface.  For most other surfaces, usually I will use lighter fluid or alcohol - but I didn't want to risk 'melting' or smearing the ink on the book cover.

Another thing to note!  Alcohol or lighter fluid NOT good on plastic! It will kindda 'burn' the clear plastic and well...look pretty gross. How do I know? See what I did....haaa..

[caption id="attachment_31" align="alignnone" width="870"] Left: Clear Plastic (i.e. normal) Right: Destroyed Plastic after I tried to remove sticky residue with alcohol / lighter fluid![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_32" align="alignnone" width="870"] Close up of destroyed plastic. See how clear it originally was on the left side of the photo? No big deal cos' the plastic is just a container for my nit nacks - but do take care if you are attempting to clean stuff with lighter fluid! It might just 'burn' certain materials![/caption]

Quote by William Morris

Hello world!

woot!  finally I got myself down to creating a (new) blog - to write about things and stuff I love!

I am always excited whenever I find a good product or gadget or well anything that works fabulously - and can go on and on and on about how great something i used is!  of course - different people have different interests and so much as I would lloooooovvvvveee to go on about say - some skin care product that I just found - I have to be mindful not to bore my dear friends cos' well - they may not have the same interests.  one of my friends label my 'obsession' with skin care 'bimbo talk'.  haha.  yes yes. a little bimbo, but hey! must take care of skin mah! besides, who wouldn't want to get rid of white heads and pimples and keep our skin in decent shape?

still I gotta find an outlet to rave about what I love here it is - I decided it shall be my personal blog. ha!  I am a fairly geeky gal, so bear with me if i rant.  Oh yes, of cos - it's not limited to just things, but also living breathing creatures - like my darling cats and my family dog.

so what would I be gushing about?  I have loads of things I love and maybe in these categories...

  • Skin care

  • Gadgets for home

  • Accessories for home

  • Cleaning (crazy as it sounds - I LOVE cleaning as I find it super therapeutic!)

  • Blogs I love

  • blah blah blah...for all the things I haven't thought about yet.

okay! that's it for now!  can't wait to start gushing in the next few days!